Project by Clara Too
Water usage is often mysterious, and most people don't know how much water they really use in a day. Although we receive billing information monthly, it is too far removed from our daily lives for us to adjust and receive feedback in real time. Droplet is a waterproof bracelet that can track daily water usage, granting users the information they need to reduce their water waste.
As I worked on this project, I kept in mind that reducing waste often is driven by guilt. In making the video prototype, I decided to create a calming atmosphere that reflects the gentle and nurturing aspects of water as a substance, emphasizing appreciation of water rather than chastising the viewer for using something that we all need to survive.
In making the video, I painted the images by hand using watercolor. I chose to do so because I wanted the organic nature of watercolor to shine through, evoking nostalgia and beauty. I also used music by Debussy, whose impressionistic piano piece underscores the elegance of this design solution.
Water - it’s everywhere. It seems like an infinite resource. But what if we remembered that water is precious, and beautiful? We need a way to be mindful and grateful for what we have. This was the inspiration for Droplet, the water use tracking bracelet that makes every drop count.
You begin by syncing the app to the bracelet, which allows you to set your daily goal for water use. The bracelet is waterproof, and its form is intended to be elegant and unobtrusive. It is lightweight, and can be lightly bent to adjust for wrists of different sizes. The bracelet connects with a motion-detecting faucet with a digital display in the shape of a droplet. As soon as you tap the faucet, it turns on, and the faucet displays how much water you are using in real time.
When you hit a tenth of your goal, one of the beads will start to glow. As you go throughout the day, the bracelet will continue to light up so that you know how much you have used. If at anytime in the day you surpass the goal, the beads will stop glowing, a gentle reminder to reduce your water use. Each day, the app records your water usage for the day, and you can go back to it to compare your usage over time.
Using a bracelet reminds you how beautiful and valuable water really is. I wanted to avoid creating shame or guilt around water use, because we need water to live. Instead, I want to encourage moderation through goal-setting and a playful interaction. The goal is to experience delight as you use water throughout the day, and satisfaction when you have reduced your usage. Droplet is a reminder that water is a beautiful gift that is a part of us, meant to be treasured and used wisely.
Working on this project taught me the importance of word choice in storytelling. By crafting a convincing script, I impressed my classmates and professors with this idea. Visual texture and audio choice also played a big role in video storytelling. I learned that brevity is key, and that every detail counts when you are telling a story.