Project by Annie Xu, Amixa-Ray Calzado, and Clara Too.
Video filmed by Amixa-Ray Calzado and edited by Annie Xu and Clara Too.
This process storyboard imagined a device which would ask questions to guide someone struggling with sleep paralysis to a state of wakefulness by asking questions. However, we realized that asking questions would likely add to the confusion, and decided in the final product to have the device evaluate through brainwave detection whether they are in sleep paralysis, and to wake them up if so. We found through research that alpha brainwave activity increases during sleep paralysis, making detection scientifically plausible.

The video above features Annie's rendition of the REM app. I created these two screens as a possible improvement upon the app interface that would greet you upon waking. Sleep paralysis is a disconcerting phenomenon, so I used friendly and basic language to convey the relevant information. Instead of bombarding the user with graphs and numbers upon waking up, I wanted the interface to have a more conversational and cheery feel.
My primary contributions were in ideating, sketching out the situational storyboard, acting, and adding video special effects. I learned that I enjoy being the idea person on a team, and have a vivid imagination for possible solutions. Throughout this project, we had different expectations for the speed of project completion, and I learned to be flexible and work through conflict. I learned that very different people can work together to make something that we are all satisfied with.
Created for Design 215: Visual Storytelling